This maintenance period has concluded and is back up. Thank you for your patience.
Follow Voo2do on twitter for updates.
On the evening of Wednesday, 23 Dec 2009, Voo2do will be down for up to four hours. During this period, a new version of Voo2do will be released.
The downtime will start at 8pm (20:00) US/Eastern time, or 5pm US/Pacific time, or 1:00am on Dec 24 UTC/GMT. This time period was selected to minimize impact on the global Voo2do user base.
The work will take between two and four hours, after which all users will get the features of the new Voo2do version that’s currently in beta. (Future updates won’t generally require downtime; this is just an unusually major update.)
As a user, no action is required on your part. If you were expecting to use Voo2do during that period, you may want to prepare by printing out your tasks. Otherwise, expect an improved Voo2do come December 24!
Happy Holidays!
Shimon Rura